Hat Day

Just a reminder that Hat Day is this Friday (Nov. 28).

Grandview’s Annual Carol Sing

Students, staff and families are invited to the annual Grandview Carol Sing! We are fortunate enough to have two dates for our carol sing this year.  The first will be held on Tuesday, December 16th at 11:40am and the second will be held on Friday, December 19th at 11:40am.  Please join us in singing some […]

It’s We Day in Waterloo Region

You can watch the event live: http://www.weday.com/watch/

Read more about It’s We Day in Waterloo Region »

Pizza Days and Hot Lunch Days (December)

December’s pizza days and hot lunch days have been added to the calendar. Please take a look if you’ve ordered so you can plan ahead before packing lunches.

Spirit Days

The official list of Grandview Spirit Days have been added to calendar!  Check out the list below: October 31st – Orange & Black Day November 28th – Hat Day January 23rd – Pajama Day February 13th – Red & Pink Day March 27th – Sports Day April 24th – Beach Day May 22nd – Wacky […]

Me to We Rafiki Sales

From October 27th to November 6th, Grandview will be selling rafikis to support the Me to We Club and Free the Children.  Rafikis can be purchased in the Grandview hallway during first nutrition break for $10 each. Rafikis are beaded necklaces, bracelets and headbands that are made by Mamas in Kenya, Africa.  Purchasing rafikis are […]

Spirit Wear Orders

We are very excited to announce that you will have the opportunity to purchase Grandview Spirit Wear again!  Order forms will be going home Thursday, October 23rd and are due back on Monday, November 10th.  Late orders will not be accepted.  A selection of sample sizes are available to see and try.


Grandview is now on Twitter!  Be sure to “follow” us (@gvnwrdsb) for important information about events taking place at our school.  Check out our Twitter feed on the left-hand side of the homepage.

QSP Orders

Our Magazine and Memories fundraiser is going GREAT!  As a reminder, please go online to www.qsp.ca and place your orders directly.  For paper orders, we are asking that money and orders be returned to the school no later than Thursday, October 23rd.  If you would like more order forms, please send a note to the […]

Kodaly Choir

Calling all choir members, old and new!  Check out the new Choir tab at the top of the page.  Let’s get a head start on learning the 2014-2015 Kodaly Choir repertoire this year.  Recordings/videos of each song have been added for your listening (and learning!) pleasure.  Lyric sheets are also attached.

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